Here to support the arts in our community
The "Adopt an Instrument" program is well under way!
Over 2 dozen instruments have already been donated and fund raising effort to repair those instruments are already underway with the goal of making sure all students who want to play music are able to regardless of their financial ststus.
You can help put an instrument in a students hand by either donating a band or orchestra instrument you no longer use or by making a cash donation to help pay for the repair costs of the donated instruments.
All donations made to this program or to CFAA in general are tax deductable.
The Clinton Fine Arts Association is currently in the process of building our membership in order to assemble a group of people who have a passion to see a strong arts influence in our community.
Our main mission is to raise the funds needed to build a performing arts auditorium located at the site of the new Clinton Middle School.
This project will be a collaborative effort with the Clinton School District in order to provide a much needed performance venue for the School District and for community as a whole.
By providing a performance venue for our children they will know, first hand, the importance of having the arts be a part of their lives.
You can help us give them an opportunity to experience the excitement of being a performing artist by becoming a CFAA member. The membership fee is only $25 per year. A small price to pay to see the excitement in our childrens eyes that can only be put there by experiencing the Fine Arts.
You can also make an online donation to help CFAA achieve our fund-raising goals.